Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Question Paper Chemistry Practical 2010

Q1.This section  contians 8 Questions of multiple choice /filll in the blanks/true/false .Match correct answer type questions. Attempt all parts of this section.
i.The colour of eriochrome black-T  indicator at pH10
a)blue   b)wine red  c)red d)colourless
ii.equivalent weight of OH- is
a)18           b)17        c)16          d)none of these.
the oxidation state of Cr in K2­­­­­­­Cr2O7-------------------------------------------
iii. Unit of hardness is expresed in terms of -----------------------
iv. The reddish brown precipitate obtained in Argentimetric titration ---------------------------.
v. Mohr's method is used for determination of ferrous ion (True/False)
vi. DIlute mineral acid is used for removal of chlorine from bleaching powder (True/False).
vii. Na22O­3­ is a primary standard solution .(True/False).

Q2. Write the procedure involved in the determination of hardness of water by complexometric titration.
Write the principle involved in estimation of % of Cl2 from bleaching powder.
Q3. Why starch is to be added at the end of the titration while estimating % Cl2 in bleaching powder ?
Why H2SO4 is added in the determination of ferrous content on the given ore solution ?

Sunday, October 31, 2010


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