Wednesday, April 30, 2014

B.TECH Sample Papers :: UPTU :: NCER (EEE-081)
UPTU Question Papers

 - St 1 & 2 by Miss Huma Fatima (JSSATEN)

Sessional 1
A1. List various non-conventional energy resources. Give their availability, relative merits and demerits and their classifications.

A2. Discuss the working of flat plate collector using air as working fluid with the help of neat sketch. Write advantages of flat plate collector.

B1. Write difference between flat plate collector and concentrated plate collector. Discuss their relative merits.

B2. How do we classify coal acoording to the carbon content ?

B3. What are the different types of concentrating collectors ? What is concentrated parabolic concentrator (CPC) ? Discuss its working and relative advantages?

C1. State the materials used for the following in case of solar collection system
Absorber plate, Absorber coating, Cover Glass, Insulation, Reflectors

C2. Calculate F.F, maximum power and cell efficiency with following parameters :
Voc = 0.24, Isc = -8mA
Vm = 0.14, Im = -6.5 mA, Intensity = 1000 W/m2, Area = 4 cm2

C3. What are heliostats ? Discuss the working of central tower receiver using heliostat mirror.

A1. Discuss the main applications of geothermal energy. What are the sources of geothermal energy in India and abroad.

A2. Discuss different systems for generating power using geothermal energy with proper diagram, construction and working.

B1. Describe the principle of working of H2 – O2 fuel cell. Also derive Gibb’s Helmholtz Equation for computing the enthalpy of reaction.

B2. Explain the basic principle of MHD generator. Describe an open cycle fossil fuelled MHD system
B3. Explain principle and working of Open Cycle and Closed Cycle MHD power plant with diagram.

C1. Explain a vapour dominated geothermal power plant. What are the environmental constraints in design of geothermal power plants.

C2. What is a thermoelectric power generator? Discuss the properties of thermoelectric materials.

C3. Describe the principle of operation and constructional details of a basic thermoionic generator.

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