Wednesday, April 30, 2014

POWER QUALITY (EEE 061) – UPTU Sample Question Papers
– BY  Mr. Abhishek (JSSATEN)
Section A
1.     What are the steps for estimating voltage sag performance? Explain the concept of area of vulnerability.
2.     Explain the fundamental principle of protection against voltage sag.
3.     What is UPS? Write down its classifications and applications. Explain working of Hybrid UPS.
Section B
4.     What is transient over-voltage? What are different sources of transient over-voltage? Explain magnification of capacitance switching transients in power system.
5.     Explain the fundamental priciple of protection against transient over-voltage.
6.     Explain the phenomena “Ferroresonance” with clearly writing its comparison with series RLC resonance.
Section C
7.     Discuss the following as solution to end user agains voltage sag”
i.                Ferroresonance transformers.
ii.              Superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES) devices.
8.     Discuss the following for transient over-voltage protection:
a.     Low impedance power conditioners.
b.     Low pass filters.
A1. What is power quality? Explain in terms of voltage quality. Why we are concerned  about it ?
A2. Define voltage fluctuations along with suitable waveforms, what are the causes & effects of voltage fluctuations on utility & users ?
A3. What are the causes & effects of voltage imbalance & power frequency variations ?
B.1. What are transients? Differentiate between impulsive & oscillatory trnasients with suitable waveforms.
B.2. What are short duration voltage transients? Explain along with suitable waveforms, also explain its different types?
B.3. What are long duration voltage transients? Explain along with suitable waveforms, also explain its different types.
C. 1 What is voltage sag? What are the different sources of voltage sag? Explain.
C2. Define waveform distortion. Explain following types of waveform distortions as per IEEE standards :

Harmonics, Inter-harmonics, DC offset, Notching, Noise

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